Top 5 sports to practice in good weather

The days of good weather, especially those sunny days of spring and summer are the most want to show the body, but also the times when most want to train. However, the summer period is also one of the times when we find it difficult to devote the time to train properly or feed.

May deny to high temperatures, fatigue and sun exposure is important to consider some precautions and considerations. For example, the hydration is a key point in this season, not only the sport but to any activity daily that now involves an effort and then some exhaustion . This moisture also depends largely a fresh and varied diet.

How to make summer sport is necessary not only to show off a toned body , but also to stay healthy, it is also important to consider the chosen hours to train and the times of day that you spend. It is advisable physical activity for the morning or in the evening (past 19).

In addition to these general recommendations, the use of sunscreen and even loose clothing and light colors, there are some sports that are more conducive to practice in good weather, and especially during the summer, and we suggest here:


Swimming is one of the most complete sports there and allows many parts of the body work without running great risk of injury . Moreover, as the body weight is reduced by 10% when immersed in water, it becomes an ideal for pregnant women, people with arthritis or even overweight activity.

The benefits included are many and have great relationship with the ability to stay refreshed throughout the practice and avoid suffocation, as well as improving flexibility, toning and treatment of cardiovascular problems.

In addition to traditional styles such as crawl, backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke, there are plenty of variables for exercise in a pool. Some alternatives are: yoga, aerobics, synchronized swimming , among others.

This sport is a very alternative chosen primarily for those who enjoy travel different places and go outside. It does not require much equipment and is often more fun, agile and enjoyable to walk or run.

It requires a pair of skates and have, where possible, with smooth, flat surfaces, primarily concrete or asphalt. It is also advisable to use the basic elements of protection such as knee pads, elbow pads and helmet, in order to prevent shock and injury.

The main benefits of this activity allow it to improve endurance and sense of balance and muscle toning legs, while enjoying the fresh air and good weather.

The hiking is first measured, very favorable to harden and strengthen the legs sport. In addition, you can enjoy nature, reduce stress and take advantage of urbanization spectacular views and landscapes.

It is suitable to perform both individually and as a family or as a couple and there are significant exclusive areas where you can plan different routes and to practice trekking.

The most extensive mountain areas or routes recommended schedule them in advance and have the experience or participation guides or specialists. It is also important to previously think of hydration and nutrition that will stay on the course.

Surfing is one of the sports most easily associated with summer. The schoolhouses installed on the beaches and surfers in the waves are part of the landscape of this season and holidays. Also it lets get in tune with this season, dive into the sea and get a perfect tan. What is not so common, it is important to know the benefits that sport has and how it can help to improve health .

In addition to strengthening the buttocks, legs and muscles of the body in general , surfing helps to tone the arms and relieve stress. It also improves concentration and balance.

While generally considered a dangerous or complex practice, it is advisable to start training in calmer waters and professional monitoring. As every activity requires patience and hours of training.

It is one of the most recommended for summer sports not only because it is easy to learn but also because it is likely to be practiced among friends or relatives of any age. Ideally, practice late in the afternoon, when high temperatures this season are in decline.

It lets burn calories, have fun and also tone and strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular and respiratory system. Also, being a social activity, it has positive effects on self-esteem and mood.

You need to have comfortable clothes and with shovels or regulations for use on tracks specially adapted for this sport pallets.

Making a sport is always favorable and necessary to maintain the shape and health. While these sports are we all aquatic or exclusively linked to the fact that it is hot, allow your practice work with the distraction, the use of outdoors and nature and it does not involve too intense efforts that may cause suffocation or too tired . It is important to note the hours of training and always try to stay hydrated and protected from sun exposure.


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