3 meals that will help you climb

Although more than one it takes a week, if there is a not so few people that it is impossible to consume large amounts of calories to increase your muscle mass group. The desire of many, often become nightmares for others, because the bound to consume a large number of calories often cause discomfort, heaviness, flatulence and other effects on the mental level that can lead us to stop one side phase volume.

I personally recommend the flexible diet, where all foods in our diet are hollow, making the diet volume becomes really easy. By introducing foods like pizza or ice cream in small portions to reach the calculation of overall calories get digestion and gastric emptying slightly higher due to a lower volume of food, however, respect the opinion of "eating clean", so I will choose foods that can be used in both groups.

It is probably one of my favorites to eat during a period of food volume. As many of you know, the peanut is a food high in mono and polyunsaturated fats, which helps us increase our amount of free fatty tissue as explained in the HSN protocol. It is also an excellent source of fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamin A, E, D and K) and a number of quite acceptable magnesium, essential for muscle contraction (especially heart level) and level neuromotor plate, so you can delay neural muscular exhaustion level.

I admit I am an unconditional fan of Italian food, especially pizza and pasta. In this case I could not pass up the opportunity to point out the spaghetti carbonara. Although the real dish is not based on a cream sauce, if not add the egg to be doing with the heat of the pasta, and I was lucky enough to try in Rome, choose the version we know here, where the most closed in eating clean can be substituted for turkey bacon strips and Parmesan cheese Havarti light, something which would reduce the amount of fat, can add nuts (another profile fats that are unsaturated).

One of the easiest meals where we eat is rice. In my opinion, the rice pudding is the best post-workout (leaving supplements side obviously) if consumed with some protein, since their sugar content is quite high (70% of the food are carbohydrates) and has proteins from milk such as if casein and whey. So a serving of 300g provides:

As we can see, if we consumed these 3 meals in a day would pass the 1600kcal a quite acceptable way, however, in people whose intake is close to 5000kcal, I emphasize the need for a flexible diet (IIFYM) because if based all feeding on processed foods can not meet your fiber intake happens 50g, so we could meet with malabsorption of certain foods, gas, bloating or diarrhea in some cases.


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