Exercises to reduce cellulite thighs

Keep a firm thighs and stylish is a widespread desire in women, however, is a challenge because this body area is very prone to the formation of fatty deposits that result in cellulite, sagging or the dreaded "saddlebags" which together with the handles, is what most concerns men and women . Even when thin, thighs are one of the favorite areas of our body to deposit fat consumed in excess, but with adequate food and some simple exercises can They are perfectly toned so as to contribute to the slender silhouette. First, we must take into account the specific movements to work this area should always be a complement to an aerobic activity practiced regularly. There are no exercises "miracle" achieve destroy stubborn fat deposits, because the human body does not eliminate fat selectively (as we would like!). So slimming thighs have to do some sport to launch your whole body and burn as many calories as possible by accelerating the metabolism at the same time. The most recommended to work together legs aerobics are, among others, swimming, jogging , tennis, cycling, skating fun or just a good brisk walk. Do any of these activities, at least 40 minutes three times a week , it ensures the burning of excess fat to thin thighs.

The second step to getting some nice thighs is to do specific exercises to strengthen them. Note that you'll have to work so hard its outer face, prone to unsightly fat accumulations, as the interior, where the tendency to sagging may be the main problem. Some of the simplest and most effective thigh slimming exercises are: 1. The fearsome "sit" or "squat" is a surefire way to effectively tone your thighs basics. From a standing position with legs together, bend your knees (keeping the straight trunk) and go down to play with the bum calves. It hurts a little, test the muscles in the area are working hard. Make 2-4 series, repeating the motion 15 to 20 times (starts slowly and increases progressively effort always). Repeat the exercise with your legs slightly apart to work the inner thighs. 2. Lying on the floor (better mattress), side position and maintaining the trunk in line with legs outstretched. Raise your right leg to a height of 60 degrees and lower it again keeping it straight and without touching the left (same number of sets and repetitions). Turn and repeat with the opposite leg. 3. Starting from the previous position, now works the inner thighs . To do this, keep your left leg straight and go right past her knee bent (supports the foot). Now, all you can lift straight leg and lower it again with quick movements without touching the ground. You will notice work perfectly in the inner zone. Repeat the exercise with the opposite leg. 4. Scissors. Lying on your back with your hands under your buttocks, fast frigate beam alternately lifting the right and left leg (labor, also lower abs). 5. Starting from the position "squat", place your palms on the floor in front of you and one of your legs stretched backwards. Click "rebounds" (based on the upper floor of the stretched leg). Do not force too much, you could cause you a painful tug gently bounces up and down the bum. Switch legs and repeat. To work the inside, do the same but stretching her leg sideways and making small rebounds. Repeat with the opposite leg. At the end of the board specific exercises, gives a break to your muscles doing some light stretching to allow relaxation. They are essential to prevent injuries that might endanger continue your training to perfect legs. Sitting on the floor, seal the soles of your feet (at the level you can), Grab them with two hands and knees moves up and down to promote muscle relaxation area.


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