Triathlon: 3 essential supplements

In this starter guide on everything related to the Triathlon we're doing this summer, today we bring a very interesting post where we will address the issue of supplementation. As we always say, you can have a good performance with a good diet, but thanks to supplementation can improve it , which is why today we speak of the three supplements (there are many more already discussed later) necessary for triathlon:


BCAAs (branched chain essential amino acids)
The BCAAs , or branched chain amino acids are amino acids that we help activate via mTOR (is a-directed proline serine-threonine responsible for the hypertrophic growth protein kinase, protein synthesis and tissue morphogenesis) helping to mitigate catabolism muscle and there is a better protein synthesis when we seek to increase our muscle mass.

Is a useful supplement when we want to lose fat or gain muscle, but it is also excellent in muscle recovery and may even help give us more energy during training, therefore ideal for long runs of the bike or running . For more extensive information please click on the button below:

Bcaas, all you need to know


If our diet is balanced and eat vegetables, lean meats, white fish, blue fish, nuts, legumes, cereals ... generally we will not need multivitamins, but not only the need for micronutrients depend on the diet but also of the requirement workouts , and in our case, our training will be very demanding.

The multivitamins , fulfill this mission perfectly, as well as being easy to make, supply the body with some vitamins and minerals that we need or we present some deficiency, so that this function optimally. Generally, these formulas are designed realistically to meet the needs of athletes who train hard , and few sports are as hard as the triathlon.


With the triathlon have a great physical wear and to have a proper recovery and tissue repair requires a lot of vitamins and minerals involved in the synthesis of new cells and tissues, as well to bear in mind that micronutrients lost through sweating, and without forgetting that these elements have a high antioxidant capacity contrarestrar ideal for large amounts of free radicals that are generated by training (the delay recovery and significantly damage cells and organs).

It notes that when we talk about multivitamin we mean both vitamins and minerals . We leave these two buttons you expand you more information about this supplement:

Why athletes need multivitamins?  Vitamin B in sport

The glutamine is considered conditionally essential amino acid, ie, that in certain situations their presence is essential, as in periods of caloric deficit , intense and prolonged exercise , and even physical damage . Saying that about 60% of the total skeletal muscle tissue is made ​​up of glutamine  and amino acid having the largest number of physiological functions, in fact if the body demands it can even turn into glucose.

The most notable features of glutamine are, among others:

Help muscle growth,
And minimize muscle catabolism
Boost the immune system.
In addition, as is an excellent regulator in creating muscle tissue and is involved in the accumulation of muscle glycogen, it is ideal triathlete recovery after workouts to be performed.


Therefore, we are supplementing up with glutamine we will see recovered in the most optimal way possible, down muscle catabolism during exercise, increasing resistance (to help recharge deposits under glycogen circumstances of deposits nearly depleted as happens in triathlon) and also helping to prevent overtraining (quite common in triathlon due to the large exercise load and duration thereof)


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