What shoes you need to practice running

It is the first big question of runner neophyte What shoes should I buy? In the end the answer is often poor for excess, slippers too good to be left unused, or by default, very basic shoes that cause joint pain appear. We give you the keys to learning how to choose the shoes you need to practice running.
What shoes you need to practice running

If the change of year you've decided to get serious with the sport and have chosen the running, you should know that you've made a good choice: the sport is increasingly popular and we know how beneficial it is for physical and mental health of those They practice it. However, there are still things that raise questions, especially among newcomers, such as the choice of material and more specifically the choice of shoes.

Here the first thing we have to say is simple: if you're going to do it with practice running a shoe designed to practice running. We tend to fall into the temptation of trying to take advantage of material that we have house and in this case we think go running with these great sneakers we bought last year might be a good idea. Well, if those shoes are not designed for this sport and more specifically, if not well suited to our needs during the race, the idea is not only good, it's really bad and can be harmful to health medium term and to maintain the idea of ​​running the short term.
The first advice would be to go to a specialist to find a specialized shop. Note that, unlike other sports, the basic investment to practice this rests precisely on the shoes, so take it easy and start searching for the one that best suits you.

Then they will also come into play other very important elements. The first one is how going to run, that is how far'll go weekly. Of course, not be the same more or less sporadic practice a consistent routine in which the type of shoe usually tends to presenting a drop high, while in the first case the drop is reduced, which also applies to shorter distances or greater speed.
Another very important factor is weight. The weight will also influence the choice of the drop as a broker with more weight should try to reduce the pressure in each step. In any case, as you know that precisely this sport fighting weight, we must also bear in mind that as we walk down weight kilometers, something which is also reflected in the life of the shoe.
Last but not least, we need to consider the land on which we will run. Obviously, it is not the same run to run on asphalt ground for example and this will influence the choice of the shoe.
Well advised by a professional and all these light elements and we will be able to access the shoe that best suits our feet when going to enjoy running.


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