Keys to care for your knees if you are runner and also if you are not

Knees are one of the largest affected by sessions running . Those who run on a regular basis and know that this joint receives a big impact with each stride, so we should not neglect them, let alone when they begin to appear the first discomfort. It is a sign that something is wrong. Then we will give a few clues to look after your knees, which are valid for both runners to anyone else. Remember that prevention is essential to maintaining healthy knees.

It must done a good warm, so that the joints will progressively taking heat. At the end of the session we will proceed to do a few stretches in the lower body. We get a proper warm body temperature increase and improve blood circulation, allowing a better stretching of the ligaments and muscles and reduce the strain on the knees.

To keep your knees in good condition there needs to be a perfect balance between upper- and lower. We must not neglect the work of lumbar and abdominal strengthening. The goal is to maintain the stabilized joint.
Use proper footwear: Also affected knees with each impact we make on the ground when running. It is important to know that you tread file Type and depending on a number of parameters damping and stability will be determined sneakers. Make sure that the shoes will not be too loose and not too tight.
Over training never good, nor to the knees. When some discomfort appear in this joint it is that we exceed the kilometers and therefore the impact. Try to respect the rest periods so that there is adequate muscle recovery and not you exercise excessively for hard surfaces such as asphalt or very hilly terrain. Always better by land and grass land.
Avoid a series of exercises hyper flexion, as may be the rise of very hilly sections, while climbing or descending stairs. Thus we get the knees bear a greater burden of weight, wearing out the kneecap.
To the extent that you can always try to keep a healthy weight. When we are few kilos above normal knees feel it and start to feel discomfort, especially when running.


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